jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017


Through the use of technology—in efforts to capitalize on the growing interest of the digitization of everyday events and experiences, we can revitalize the current state of teaching practices used to teach English. The intent behind this new and improved teaching model is to replace the old one with a more engaging and invigorating teaching and learning experience. Students will be assigned classwork and “take-home projects” that will require the use of photography, videography, the making of “short films,” or class presentations (via powerpoint) that incorporate any number of these sources of technology. These assignments will be related to the English lesson assigned in the textbook. It is a way to keep the student engaged in the subject matter by creating a context where they are literally connecting themselves—through self-expression—via technology to the lessons in their textbook that involve grammar and vocabulary.


As you will see on the next video, students will be asked to prepare a news broadcast simulation on current events or events found in a particular unit of the textbook:



Students will be required to:  (i) take photographs (with a cell phone or standard camera), (ii) print them out and (iii) write a short synopsis about each photograph. These photos as well as the synopses will coincide with the theme and grammar lesson of the unit that is being taught. Below are three fundamental language skills that this exercise will help to improve:

- Ability to use grammar correctly when describing an object.
- Improve level of vocabulary.
-  Improve oratory skills (if photo is presented to the class).


- Students create their own videos related to the subject matter in the textbook.
- Using Cell Phones and Cameras with Video Capabilities.
- To make the study of English More Innovative, Interactive and Engaging.

Each unit should include some type of engaging classwork assignment, homework, or group or individual “take-home” project that requires the student to utilize some type of technological resource. This will be a natural assignment for the student because today, students are always making videos and taking photos to express their ideals to their peers. So in short, this could be a way to keep the student’s attention as well as finding a way to indirectly imbue the student with the subject matter covered in the unit by asking them to do something that they already love to do coupled with a closed universe of instructions, which would include using grammar tenses and following a particular theme from the unit.


- Created By: Brandon Lewis Williams, Auxiliar/Member of Auxiliar Committee (IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester).
- First Video (News Anchor Simulation): Aitor Benito Martín and Laura Esteban Hidalgo (From IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester).
- Second Video (Videography): Primero ESO D (IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester).

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